It’s Indiana State Fair time again and Naptown Buzz was there on opening day to check things out!
Here are the best photos of the day.
Food on a Stick!
Pigs are everywhere!
More pigs!
Mmmm…Corn Dogs.
Now we’re talking! Deep fried everything!
Try the deep fried butter if you like cinnamon rolls. The Naptown Buzz Crew has yet to try the Kool-Aid.
Fair Food of the Year: Fried Ice Cream.
Pulled lamb & deep fried mac n’ cheese.
Free ice cream from Turkey Hill. They’re rocking the QR codes this year.
Giant corns.
The UPS mini truck.
Not sure what this does, but it’s old and cool looking.
Maple Syrup & other goodies at the Hoosier Sugar Shack!
Milk truck.
Music in Pioneer Village.
Closest we got to wood carving today.
Splitting a log to make shingles.
The original “juicer”. (At least that’s our story.)
Free range birds.
The surge bucket milker!
“World’s Largest Flag Collection”.
Fair tram #3.
The buzzing bumble bees are busy at the fair too.
Food goodness, Twitter & QR Codes.
King Taters.
We never knew llamas dressed up for Halloween AND there’s a costume contest for it, but we were thrilled to find that out. In this photo we have Jack Skellington & Zero and some sort of prisoner zombie (from what we could tell).
This llama just wants to play baseball.
Bennie the Bean. He stands there and stares a lot in one direction.
Look at all of those potatoes!